Django Back-end

Documented files:


class member.models.Ban(*args, **kwargs)

This model stores all sanctions (not only bans). It stores sanctioned user, the moderator, the type of sanctions, the reason and the date. Note this stores also un-sanctions.

class member.models.KarmaNote(*args, **kwargs)

A karma note is a tool for staff to store data about a member. Data are:

  • A note (negative values are bad)
  • A comment about the member
  • A date

This helps the staff to react and stores history of stupidities of a member.

class member.models.Profile(*args, **kwargs)

A user profile. Complementary data of standard Django auth.user.


Check if you can read a web site content as user. If you can’t read, you can’t login on website. This happens when you have been banned (temporarily or definitively)

Returns:False if you are banned, True else.
Return type:bool

Check if you can write something on a web site as user. This happens when you have been reading only (temporarily or definitively)

Returns:False if you are read only, True else.
Return type:bool

Absolute URL to the profile page.


Get the avatar URL for this profile. If the user has defined a custom URL, use it. If not, use Gravatar.

Returns:The avatar URL for this profile
Return type:str

Uses geo-localization to get physical localization of a profile through its last IP address. This works relatively good with IPv4 addresses (~city level), but is very imprecise with IPv6 or exotic internet providers.

Returns:The city and the country name of this profile.
Return type:str

Check if the user belong to the bot’s group or not

Returns:True if user belong to the bot’s group, False else.
Return type:bool
class member.models.TokenForgotPassword(*args, **kwargs)

When a user forgot its password, the website sends it an email with a token (embedded in a URL). If the user has the correct token, it can choose a new password on the dedicated page. This model stores the tokens for the users that have forgot their passwords, with an expiration date.

Returns:The absolute URL of the “New password” page, including the correct token.
class member.models.TokenRegister(*args, **kwargs)

On registration, a token is send by mail to the user. It must use this token (by clicking on a link) to activate its account (and prove the email address is correct) and connect itself. This model stores the registration token for each user, with an expiration date.

Returns:the absolute URL of the account validation page, including the token.
member.models.auto_delete_token_on_unregistering(sender, instance, **kwargs)

This signal receiver deletes forgotten password tokens and registering tokens for the un-registering user;


Logout the member.

Parameters:username – the name of the user to logout.


class member.views.MemberDetail(**kwargs)

Displays details about a profile.


alias of User

class member.views.MemberList(**kwargs)

Displays the list of registered users.

class member.views.RegisterView(**kwargs)

Create a profile.


alias of RegisterForm

class member.views.SendValidationEmailView(**kwargs)

Send a validation email on demand.

class member.views.UpdateMember(**kwargs)

Updates a profile.


alias of ProfileForm

class member.views.UpdatePasswordMember(**kwargs)

User’s settings about his password.

class member.views.UpdateUsernameEmailMember(**kwargs)

User’s settings about his username and email.


alias of ChangeUserForm


Active token for a user.


If the user forgot his password, he can have a new one.


Generate token for account.


Retrieve the real IP address of the client.


Log in user.

member.views.logout_view(request, *args, **kwargs)

Log out user.

member.views.member_from_ip(request, *args, **kwargs)

Get list of user connected from a particular ip

member.views.modify_karma(request, *args, **kwargs)

Add a Karma note to the user profile


Create a new password for a user.

member.views.settings_promote(request, *args, **kwargs)

Manage the admin right of user. Only super user can access

member.views.unregister(request, *args, **kwargs)

allow members to unregister

member.views.warning_unregister(request, *args, **kwargs)

Displays a warning page showing what will happen when user unregisters.


class member.forms.ChangeUserForm(*args, **kwargs)

Update username and email

class member.forms.LoginForm(next=None, *args, **kwargs)

The login form, including the “remember me” checkbox.

class member.forms.MiniProfileForm(*args, **kwargs)

Updates some profile data: biography, website, avatar URL, signature.

class member.forms.NewPasswordForm(identifier, *args, **kwargs)

Defines a new password (when the current one has been forgotten)

class member.forms.ProfileForm(*args, **kwargs)

Updates main profile rules:

  • Display email address to everybody
  • Display signatures
  • Display menus on hover
  • Receive an email when receiving a personal message
class member.forms.PromoteMemberForm(*args, **kwargs)

Promotes a user to an arbitrary group

class member.forms.RegisterForm(*args, **kwargs)

Form to register a new member.


Cleans the input data and performs following checks:

  • Both passwords are the same
  • Username doesn’t exist in database
  • Username is not empty
  • Username doesn’t contain any comma (this will break the personal message system)
  • Username doesn’t begin or ends with spaces
  • Password is different of username
  • Email address is unique through all users
  • Email provider is not a forbidden one

Forbidden email providers are stored in forbidden_email_providers.txt on project root.

Returns:Cleaned data, and the error messages if they exist.